Let My People Know "The main function of the Talmud is to serve not as a compendium of practical law but as a vehicle of theoretical explication" August 7, 2012
Let My People Know "Not only was the Talmud created by the Jewish people, but later, in turn, it molded the people. August 6, 2012
Let My People Know "Some people spend years creating and defending imaginary points of belief against imaginary attacks by science" August 3, 2012
Let My People Know "A line from the Morning Prayer shouts out to me each and every day" August 1, 2012
Let My People Know Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz: "If you want to give me a birthday gift, I plead with you, make something of yourselves" July 31, 2012
Let My People Know "The patriarchs and the prophets did not have to enter a sanctuary or a Holy Temple in order to converse with God" July 29, 2012