Let My People Know "God hides Himself to the extent necessary that the world may exist" December 13, 2009
Let My People Know "The Temple menorah was conceived by the Jewish people as the symbol par excellence of Jewish existence" December 11, 2009
Let My People Know "It is practically impossible to differentiate between true feeling and external noise" December 10, 2009
Let My People Know "Only when man can related his inner center to God does his self take on meaning" December 9, 2009
Let My People Know "The purpose of a mitzvah is ultimately to elevate the entire world" December 8, 2009
Let My People Know "We as humans cannot make judgments of the true value of many things in this world" December 7, 2009
Let My People Know "The existence of the world is composed of the shadows of the divine reality" December 6, 2009