Let My People Know "However high a man rises, whatever effort he makes, the gap between him and the divine remains" November 13, 2011
Let My People Know "There are people for whom the self is the only deity whose authority they are willing to accept" November 11, 2011
Let My People Know "One can arouse one's soul to an experience of the Divine essence" November 9, 2011
Let My People Know "Whatever happens to any Jew (physically or spiritually) affects every other Jew wherever he may be, even if that effect is not consciously perceived" November 8, 2011
Let My People Know "No Jew can divorce himself from another, because he knows that someone else's problem is essentially his own" November 7, 2011
Let My People Know "All the souls of Israel are the outgrowth of one inclusive soul" November 6, 2011
Let My People Know "A Jew who falls into idolatry is opposing the inner, spiritual system of the universe and inviting disaster" November 4, 2011
Let My People Know "The greater the trial and the more intense the struggle, the more profoundly does it change and rectify the essence of evil" November 3, 2011
Let My People Know "The tzaddik's mission in life is to involve himself with the world and elevate it" November 2, 2011