Let My People Know Rabbi Steinsaltz: "Judaism anticipated somewhat the theory of relativity." April 9, 2018
Let My People Know Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz: "Only when a person realizes the full pain and terror of his life can he make a place for God in himself." April 3, 2018
Let My People Know Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz: "self-complacency is a more serious obstacle than depression or stupidity" April 2, 2018
Let My People Know Rabbi Steinsaltz: "It will become evident that we are asleep and dreaming." March 30, 2018
Let My People Know Rabbi Steinsaltz: "A constant challenge to continue the work of creation." March 29, 2018
Let My People Know Rabbi Steinsaltz: "A fair amount of philanthropy comes from competition and envy." March 27, 2018
Let My People Know Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz: "Sexual desire is possibly the most powerful human desire" March 25, 2018
Let My People Know Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz: "Education tends to describe the material world as the only real world" March 23, 2018