Let My People Know "After the death of the body the soul returns and is reincarnated in the body of another person" November 19, 2009
Let My People Know "Too many of those who study Talmud find it hard to extricate themselves from the model" November 18, 2009
Let My People Know "The entire edifice of Jewish culture is bound up in the Talmud"" November 16, 2009
Let My People Know "My plans and projects might entail another 100 years. Afterwards I'm thinking of going into retirement" November 15, 2009
Let My People Know "Sometimes the traditional approach to Talmud allocates so much time to technical problems to the point where little time remains to study in depth" November 13, 2009
Let My People Know "We think we can have sex without emotion and emotion without sex" November 11, 2009
Let My People Know "To honor, revere, and love a holy person is a mitzvah in itself" November 10, 2009
Let My People Know "Torah learning is in a way superior to all other mitzvot and equals all the other commandments combined"" November 9, 2009