Let My People Know "A person who denies and distorts his essential qualities — and replaces them with the characteristics of his environment — is in exile" April 10, 2011
Let My People Know "A great part of romantic love is based on cultural clichés and ephemeral chemical reactions" April 8, 2011
Let My People Know "No matter how sincerely one endeavors to rebel against the Divine, God continues to give life and is not in the least offended" April 6, 2011
Let My People Know "When a person sins, it is as if he pulls God down and forces Him, as well, to participate in the sin" April 5, 2011
Let My People Know "Even when a small boy reads 'In the beginning' with difficulty, he experiences a point of identification with the divine will" April 4, 2011
Let My People Know "What is the logic in a person with a stomach ache asking God to heal him? Doesn't God have more important things to do?" April 3, 2011
Let My People Know "A potter will refrain from knocking on an obviously cracked vessel" March 31, 2011