Let My People Know "Some people simply cannot endure the notion that someone else might have more than they" August 22, 2012
Let My People Know "The internalization of Kabbalistic notions of the Hidden Law can attune us to our soul, educating it to connect with the Divine" August 20, 2012
Let My People Know "Isn’t religion itself, with its thousands of prescribed mitzvot and deeds, instructions of 'thou shalt' and 'thou shalt not,' a piece of the same perpetual cycle and routine multiplied exponentially?" August 16, 2012
Let My People Know "When a person engages in Torah and Commandments, he, in effect, embraces God" August 14, 2012
Let My People Know "The Rebbe cried out, 'You are being watched! You are being watched!'" August 13, 2012