Let My People Know

"This world of substance not only changes all the time, but it becomes null and void in the light of the Divine being"


Man may surmise that the reality perceived by his senses is only an unstable wrapping or exteriorization of the Divine spirit.

God speaks in terms of the substantive; this world of substance not only changes all the time, but it becomes null and void in the light of the Divine being. 

This does not mean that all the world is nothing except for myself. 

I myself am also part of nothing. 

My body and soul and spirit are also nullified in God, like everything else. 

One of the external signs of this higher fear of God, incidentally, is the sense of shame; one is not afraid of God, but one becomes ashamed of one's creatureliness.

–Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
From The Long Shorter Way, Chapter 43, by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz