Let My People Know

"All beings, whether heavenly forces or blades of grass, exhibit the patterns and structures of beings of yet higher universes"


All beings of the lower spiritual echelons, whether in their general life patterns or as the particulars of their individual existences,are a reflection and extension of the highest entities. 

When we contemplate these lower beings, we can gain deep insights into those supreme spiritual entities we cannot view directly.

All beings, whether heavenly forces or blades of grass, exhibit the patterns and structures of beings of yet higher universes.

Someone who understands these patterns sees in them the encompassing laws that affect all strata of all universes.

When a person meditates upon the various creations of the world, when he sees and comprehensively understands the whole, he can become aware of a higher reality and of how God's energy descends from above. 

His knowledge of this world allows him to understand the upper worlds.

–Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
From The Thirteen Petalled Rose (new edition) by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz