Let My People Know

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz: “From God’s perspective, He alone is present throughout all existence, both before and after the creation of the world.”

The truth of the matter is that the existence or non-existence of the world effects no change in God, as we say in the morning prayers, “You are as You were before the world was created, and You are as You were after it was created.”

From God’s perspective, He alone is present throughout all existence, both before and after the creation of the world.

Relating to the world and God as distinct entities, or the very notion of the existence of the world, its being created, and the way it operates, is a perspective not shared by God.

While the creation of the world effects no change in God, as mentioned, with respect to created beings the creation of the world is the most significant change, as it is the absolute inception of their existence.

The relationship between the Creator and created beings is not at all mutual.

That which is true for one side is not true for the other, and that which appears to be the bedrock of existence for created beings is not at all existence from God’s vantage point.

The veil interposing between the Creator and creations, between God and those receiving His life force and light, is regarded as an obstruction and concealment for only one side, while for the other side it does not exist at all.

Consider, for example, a one-way mirror.

One side is reflective while the other is transparent.

One peering into the reflective side sees himself and the entire world around him reflected in the glass, whereas one who looks through the other side sees nothing.

From the latter’s standpoint there is no obstruction, only transparent glass that conceals nothing and that constitutes no existence vis-a-vis the person looking.

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz