Let My People Know

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz: “A person must be aware of the import of his actions when studying Torah.”

One can treat the study of Torah as he does any other subject.

He can study it as he does professional studies or as an intellectual pursuit, absent of any inner, emotional connection.

In order to prevent this, a person must be aware of the import of his actions when studying Torah.

He needs to consider the fact that his involvement in Torah study is essentially a call to God by His name, asking Him to come.

In that moment, he is no longer alone, but rather standing before the King of kings, speaking and thinking together with God.

In these moments, both his words and thoughts are united and fused with those of God, forming a unified whole.

When a person is aware of all this, he will certainly feel a sense of “tremendous awe,” the appropriate feeling when studying Torah.

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz