Let My People Know

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz: Aa chariot for the Divine Presence.”

The patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – constituted the “chariot” for the Divine.

The purpose of creation was in order that God have an abode in the lower worlds.

This is accomplished when human beings emulate the patriarchs and mold themselves into a “chariot,” a complete vessel whose sole function is to provide a place for the “resting” of the Divine Presence.

These people have converted their entire beings and souls into vessels through which Godliness can be manifest in this lowly world.

Indeed, not every Jew can attain the level of the patriarchs and through his own efforts (i.e. by an awakening from below) become a chariot.

But God did grant His people the Torah and mitzvot, equipping us with the necessary tools to help us elevate, bit by bit.

When one seriously engages in this transformative soul work on a consistent and regular basis, not merely as a sporadic pastime, he gradually transforms into a chariot for the Divine Presence.

At least one phase in the fulfillment of the overall purpose of creation is achieved when each of us, to the best of our abilities, draws closer to this level of a chariot for the Divine Presence.

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz