Let My People Know

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz: “Torah study possesses an advantage over performing mitzvot.”

Studying Torah is not optional; it is an absolute necessity.

Torah study possesses an inherent advantage over being a chariot in and of oneself, as were the patriarchs.

(That is besides the fact that after the revelation at Mount Sinai the path of being a chariot ceased to exist as it did in the days of the forefathers, since all service of God from then has been mediated through the Torah.)

When we study Torah, we need not access God’s will and wisdom as they exist in the heavenly realms (something that, as stated above, we are incapable of doing), but rather they are accessible to us as they descend via the Torah precisely to where we are.

Every person, according to the level of his comprehension and implementation of the words of the Written and Oral Torah, can connect and unite himself through them to the highest divine will and wisdom.

Torah study also possesses an advantage over performing mitzvot.

With respect to the Temple and sacrificial rites, for example, although at present a person cannot construct the Temple or offer sacrifices, every person can study the topics in Torah detailing the Temple service.

By engaging in this act of Torah study, he is regarded as though he is actually fulfilling the Temple service.

As he studies those topics, he brings into the world the level of the revelation of the divine unity associated with whatever specific topic he is learning.

Oral Torah, can connect and unite himself through them to the highest divine will and wisdom.

Torah study also possesses an advantage over performing mitzvot.

With respect to the Temple and sacrificial rites, for example, although at present a person cannot construct the Temple or offer sacrifices, every person can study the topics in Torah detailing the Temple service.

By engaging in this act of Torah study, he is regarded as though he is actually fulfilling the Temple service.

As he studies those topics, he brings into the world the level of the revelation of the divine unity associated with whatever specific topic he is learning.

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz