Let My People Know

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz: “Meaning, power, and joy.”

Our Rabbis teach that “613 commandments were given to Israel…King David came and established them upon eleven…. Isaiah came and established them upon six…. Micah came and established them upon three…. Habakkuk came and established them upon one, referring to the commandment of faith, as it is stated: ‘But the righteous person shall live by his faith.’”

This refers to faith in God’s unity, which fills a righteous person with life and constitutes his reality.

It is the meaning, power, and joy of his life.

This joy is intrinsic regardless of his circumstances, whether a person is righteous or evil, rich or poor, fortunate or wretched.

He knows what is important: that God is here with him.

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz