Let My People Know

Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz: “It is necessary for the ordinary person to learn the theory.”

It is written, “(You are) my soul; I long for you in the night” (Isaiah 26:9).

Thus God is my soul.

This idea is inherent in other phrases defining God as “the rock of my heart” or “my eye.”

All of which is intended to express the essential inwardness of the relationship.

It is not a matter of reaching a turning point or climax but rather a going deeper and deeper, depending on the training of the mind and education of the soul.

Which is why it is necessary for the ordinary person to learn the theory.

The complete Tzadik doesn’t have to learn theory because for him the experience comes of itself.

It is the person who is not a complete Tzadik who has to learn technique or theory in order to know how to relate the self to God.

–Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz