Let My People Know

"The Torah as we have it is clothed within words and formations"


God's countenance is concealed in creation, in the world. 

However, it is not at all concealed in the Torah, since the Torah is itself the revelation of His countenance, of the innermost divine will.

The Torah as we have it is clothed within words and formations that we, in our body and in this world (both of which conceal the Shekhinah) can understand.

One might think, therefore, that the Torah conceals God's countenance. 

However, that is not so. 

It is rather a passageway from one means of communication to another. 

Although the Torah that is revealed to us does not allow us to perceive the inner divine essence in all its fullness, it in no way misrepresents or conceals the Shekhinah–rather, it is a direct transmission. 

–Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
From Opening the Tanya by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz