Let My People Know

"The demand for constant Torah learning is not beyond the realm of possibility"


People generally do not neglect Torah study intentionally and with forethought. 

Rather, they are distracted, and other matters weigh on their minds. 

Neglecting Torah study is therefore a sin that people stumble into. 

Although they do not intend to be remiss, it is human nature (with the exception of rare individuals) to err in such matters. 

These are among the things from which, the Talmud tells us, no one is spared, even for a single day.

The demand for constant Torah learning is not beyond the realm of possibility.

However, it is human nature to fail this demand. 

For such failings, which one committed not in a brazen or rebellious mood but in the course of one's daily life, God does not make a person's repentance difficult. 

For such failings, we may request God to forgive us even three times a day, and He will accede to our request.

–Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
From Learning from the Tanya by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz