Let My People Know

"When a person studies any area of the Torah, God's will and wisdom are revealed within his soul, his thought, and his speech"


According to Hasidic thought, God's will and wisdom, which are beyond the comprehension of any created being, are clothed within the laws of halakhah. 

Because halakhah is comprehensible, we can grasp, in effect, God's supernal will and wisdom. 

When a person studies any area of the Torah, God's will and wisdom are revealed within his soul, his thought, and his speech. 

Through the study of the halakhah, however, it is possible to grasp an even deeper and more essential aspect of God's being. 

Hence, the saying of our sages (Berachot 8a) that since the destruction of the Temple, God's only dwelling place in the world is the one provided for Him by the study of halakhah.

–Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
From Opening the Tanya by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz