Let My People Know

"Some people spend years creating and defending imaginary points of belief against imaginary attacks by science"


With regard to Torah concepts, many people have never progressed beyond kindergarten, and their theological concepts remain on this elementary, even infantile level. 

It is therefore no wonder that some people spend years creating and defending imaginary points of belief against imaginary attacks by science. 

In many cases, a whole generation is still defending positions that were espoused by apologetic writers a century ago. 

Many words and concepts that have become taboo in religious society have nothing wrong with them except for the fact that 50 or 100 years ago, people for some reason thought them to be problematic. 

People see problems because they are defending all kinds of old incorrect positions. 

These incorrect positions may have been used as points of discussion and dialogue, but they should not be taken as Torah mi-Sinai.
–Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
From A Dear Son to Me by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz