Let My People Know

"Maybe everyone sees something else and there is no common denominator, no common scale of valuation"


One can expect too much.
What one learns or achieves in mystical experience may or may not live up to the grandeur of the imagined ultimate realization. 

The question then arises whether it is not all a subjective matter.
Maybe everyone sees something else and there is no common denominator, no common scale of valuation. 

On the other hand, there is the optimal situation in which one's meeting with God exceeds anything that one has ever conceived possible. 

The great awe or "fear," in this case, is also recognition of the measureless distance between. 

It is like a child seeing the ocean for the first time. 

All that was ever described to one before is inadequate; the vast stretch of water is confounding in its reach beyond the horizon. 

The greater awe before God comes only when finally beholding Him for oneself so to speak.
The greater love comes from recognizing the infinite gap between us and His Infinite
compassion in letting us cross it and approach Him. 

–Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
From The Candle of God, "The Trials of Life," Chapter 6, by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz