Let My People Know

"Rosh Hashanah is both the last gasp of agony and the trauma of birth"

When the Sages say that a man's star sees what escapes man's notice, they mean that if our souls were sensitive to everything that takes place in the universe or could perceive the immense range of phenomena around us, they would sense that the year is dying. 

Rosh Hashanah is both the last gasp of agony and the trauma of birth.

It seems to me that what motivates so many Jews to go to the synagogue on Rosh Hashanah is the uncanny, ill-defined feeling of experiencing the death-birth of time, and hence Divine Presence. 

This is why they can proclaim Divine Kingship on Rosh Hashanah. 

It is a spontaneous, unplanned gesture, like so many kinds of human behavior.

–Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz
From The Seven Lights, p. 20, by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz