Let My People Know

"Simply look around. Evil does exist."

“When people say that they don’t believe that Satan exists, perhaps it is because they don’t read the papers, don’t go online and don’t have any friends.

Anyone who simply looks around and listens – to large scale events or private affairs, to the criminal reports or just to everyday events – can see that evil indeed does exist.

Satan, however, does use two forms of camouflage.

When I expect to see Satan with horns and a tail, I won’t recognize him when he appears as a well-dressed gentleman.

Evil in people and in events does not appear in a grotesque form.

Our belief that the devil looks different and is easily recognizable — that is one of his best weapons as he operates in the world.

Satan also disguises himself by creating new norms of behavior.

His vocabulary is filled with words like ‘normal behavior’, ‘wrong education’, and sometimes – ‘necessity’.

Often, these terms just hide evil that is made commonplace and normal.

In order to exorcise Satan, the key is just to unmask him.

When Satan’s masks are removed, we may see evil too much.

It does not mean that we have to join his party; but we have to know that the effort and war against him are necessary.”

–Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz

From the website “On Faith”.